Coloring books matching: bible (2)
Bible:New Testament
Bible:Old Testament
Coloring pages matching: bible (39)
Adam and Eve are tempted by the serpent in the Garden of Eden, and eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good an evil.
Adam and Eve
The serpent deceives Eve. She gives the fruit to Adam and he eats.
Adam and Eve Tempted
An angel visits Mary to tell her she will be the mother of Jesus.
Angel Gabriel visits Mary
Moses mother hides him to save him from the Egyptians.
Baby in a Basket
Pharaoh's daughter finds the baby Moses by the river.
Baby Moses
God is pleased with Abel's offering, and his brother Cain becomes jealous.
Cain and Abel
Jesus becomes angry when he sees the temple being used as a place of business.
Cleansing the Temple
God created the Earth and all living things.
Cute picture of Noah and the animals in the Ark waiting for the waters to recede.
Cute Noah's Ark
Daniel is thrown amongst the lions, but they do not harm him.
Daniel in the Lions' Den
David faces Goliath with a sling and his faith in God.
David and Goliath
David battles Goliath, the giant Philistine warrior, armed with only a sling.
David battles Goliath
Jesus tells the fisherman, "I will make you fishers of men"
Fishers of Men
John baptises Jesus in the river Jordan.
Jesus Baptised by John
Jesus, risen on the third day.
Jesus has risen
Jesus performs a miracle, healing a leper.
Jesus Heals a Lepper
The wise men visit the baby Jesus.
Jesus is Born
Jonah is thrown overboard and swallowed by a great whale.
Jonah and the Whale
Jonah is thrown overboard and swallowed by a whale.
Jonah and Whale
When Joshua blew his trumpet, the people shouted, and the walls of Jericho fell.
Joshua at the walls of Jericho
Joshua and the Israelites blow their horns and the walls of Jericho crumble.
Joshua: The battle of Jericho
Judas comes with the priests to take Jesus away.
Judas betrays Jesus
Jesus breaks bread and asks his followers to do this in remembrance of him.
Last Supper
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead so that the people will know he is the Son of God.
Lazarus raised from the dead
With just five loaves and the two fish Jesus feeds thousands of people.
Loaves and Fishes
Moses parts the sea so that the people of Israel may cross to safety.
Moses parts sea
Moses parts the Red Sea as the Israelites are chased by Pharoah's army.
Moses parts the Red Sea
Noah's dove returns with an olive branch, showing that land is near.
Noah's Ark
Paul survives being bitten by a snake.
Paul bitten by a snake
Paul is knocked from his horse by a blinding light on the road to Damascus.
Paul on road to Damascus
Peter walks on the water, but then loses faith.
Peter Loses Faith
When Pharoah refuses to let the Israelites go, God sends a plague of frogs.
Plague of Frogs
The women are amazed to find the tomb empty, and Jesus standing before them.
Resurrection of Jesus
Jesus carries his cross on the road to Golgotha.
Road to Calvary
Samson asks God to give him the strength to destroy the temple.
Samson Destroys Temple
Samson is given back his strength so that he can bring the temple down upon his enemies.
Samson Destroys the Temple
Jesus delivers a sermon, telling all the people of the blessings that will follow.
Sermon on the Mount
God does not like the arrogance of men. He confuses their language so that they cannot understand each other.
Tower of Babel
King Solomon solves a puzzle where two women claim the same baby.
Wisdom of Solomon
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